
Frequently Asked Questions

Where is the Student Counseling Center?
The Student Counseling Center is located in Suite 211 of the Jane P. Batten Student Center, right between the Recreation and Leisure Studies offices and The Marlin Chronicle office. The main door opens into a large lobby, which acts as a waiting room for the counselor's offices and provides a quiet, private area where students can look through a wide array of information offered, or can just "get away" and relax.

When is the Student Counseling Center open?
The Student Counseling Center is open during the week from 8:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Although the Center is not generally open outside these hours or on weekends, the counselors schedule appointments when they think is best and generally try to be flexible in order to accommodate the often-busy schedules of students.

How do I go about seeing one of the counselors?
Counselors schedule their own appointments and you can set one up by phone, e-mail or in person. Once you contact the counselor, your first appointment can usually be scheduled within several days. In many cases, they will be able to meet with you the same day you contact them and since the counselors usually have their doors open when they aren't talking with a student, you may be able to catch one of them if you just drop by the Counseling Center.

What can I expect in my first meeting with the counselor?
The initial appointment will usually last from 50 minutes and will focus on what prompted you to seek help at this time. Since helping you involves truly understanding you, the counselor may ask questions regarding many aspects of your life. The counselor will usually wrap up the first session with recommendations regarding any continued meetings, suggestions of other resources that might be helpful and/or advice pertaining to your problem.

How many times will I meet with the counselor?
The number of sessions with the counselor will vary according to the problem that brought you in and the degree of resolution you are seeking. Counselors are able to meet with students as often and for as many sessions as they feel is needed to help them. Since many students are pressed for time, the average number of sessions is only 5-6, although some students find it helpful to meet with a counselor periodically or regularly during the entire time they are in college.

What if I'm having an emergency?
There is at least one counselor always available to respond to emergencies around the clock, seven days a week. Staff from Residence Life, Security or the Vice President for Campus Life can determine when a crisis situation warrants intervention by one of the counselors and will contact them as needed.